8 Tips For Maintaining Dignity For Elderly Family Members

8 Tips For Maintaining Dignity For Elderly Family Members

Once a family member’s health status begins to decline, it can be difficult for them to remain feeling dignified and independent when they are unable to live the life they once lived and need assistance doing daily life activities. There are ways that loving family...
Dealing with Tragedy: Understanding the Work of a Chaplain

Dealing with Tragedy: Understanding the Work of a Chaplain

Exactly what a chaplain is and the duties a chaplain is expected to perform, and for whom, may be a little challenging for most people to describe in detail. This article serves to explain what a chaplain is and their main roles in service to others. What is a...
How to Help Your Aging Parents Connect to Your Kids

How to Help Your Aging Parents Connect to Your Kids

These days, people are waiting longer to have children. And while there are many benefits to this, such as being more financially stable by the time kids come along, it also means that extended family members, like grandparents, are older. In fact, your young...
4 Great Reasons To Hold Family Meetings

4 Great Reasons To Hold Family Meetings

Parents and other caregivers who gather their household members together regularly to discuss issues large and small, and about anything—chores, rules, or upcoming vacation activities—know that it is a fantastic way to get buy-in from kids. But that’s not the only...