16 Affordable Ways To Get Outside With Your Family

16 Affordable Ways To Get Outside With Your Family

A change of scenery, a breath of fresh air, and priceless memories waiting to be made. The outdoors provide these staple ingredients for a day well spent. Exploring the outdoors doesn’t have to break the bank, either. Simple, light, affordable activities for your...
6 Tips For Preventing Caregiver Burnout

6 Tips For Preventing Caregiver Burnout

Being a caregiver to an elderly individual (be it a family member or someone unrelated) can be a strenuous and thankless job. Caregiving involves many physical, mental, and emotional aspects and can be equally draining in all of these facets. For these reasons,...
4 Ways to Get Outside More With Your Family

4 Ways to Get Outside More With Your Family

Depending on what part of the country you live in, or the season, your options for ways to spend time outdoors with your family will vary. You might have to bundle up, but spending time outdoors with your loved ones can happen anywhere and almost anytime! Here are...
5 Tips to Set and Achieve Personal Goals

5 Tips to Set and Achieve Personal Goals

As the beginning of the year has begun, it may be the perfect time to think about or consider setting some personal goals! Whether that be for the week, month, year or over the course of a lifetime, goal-setting can be a powerful tool in feeling and becoming...
The Haunting Truth About Alzheimer’s: It’s Not What You Think

The Haunting Truth About Alzheimer’s: It’s Not What You Think

With Halloween right around the corner, I am sure we can all think of a few scary items (i.e., spiders, ghosts, witches etc.). But something very scary that may not come to mind is the haunting truth about Alzheimer’s disease.  More than 1 in 9 people (11.3%) of...
7 Surprising Health Issues That Require Long Term Care

7 Surprising Health Issues That Require Long Term Care

Nearly two-thirds of Americans over the Age of 65 will require Long Term Care (1). The average person has a one in 3 risk of spending almost 3 years in a nursing home, according to the AARP Public Policy Institute. What are the most common issues that require Long...