Turning 50? 10 Ways To Make It Your Best Year Yet!

 Turning half a century old is a huge life milestone and one to celebrate! Instead of mourning the younger years, here are 10 ways to celebrate turning 50 years old and make it your best year yet!

1. Stop collecting crap in your garage and go on an adventure.

Now is the time to have more experiences rather than gathering more possessions on your birthday. Plan out an extravagant, extended vacation or even just a day trip to a place you have been wanting to explore! Research different activities that you can do while on your trip to make it even that more special and fun-filled!

2. Make your “50” list.

To embrace your 50s, start making a list of ideas and activities that you want to accomplish either in your 50th year or in your 50s by the time you turn 60. The list can include anything you would like to do, whether it be personal, health related, financial, leisure, exploration etc. Don’t wait, Make it happen.

3. Get an estate plan and start your trust.

While it may not be the most exciting or happiest part of turning 50, making a will and getting your affairs in order to make sure that all of your things end up in the right hands is an important thing to do. You will likely feel better about having this piece take care of once it is complete. This blog can be helpful in understanding the difference between a will and a trust: https://npfba.org/blog/what-is-the-difference-between-a-will-and-a-trust/ 

4. Cut the carbs, grab the protein and get your 10,000 steps in.

What better time than your 50th birthday to make some healthier lifestyle changes to (hopefully) lengthen your lifespan? Beginning to make simple changes such as eating more whole grains, fruits and vegetables, getting outside daily, or exercising more often are easy ways to tweak your routines and get on a path to a healthier lifestyle in your 50s.

5. Throw a party they will never forget!

A 50th birthday is a huge milestone and should be celebrated! Make sure to plan (or delegate the planning) a big bash to celebrate turning 50…you deserve it! A fun touch could be displaying pictures from each decade of your life to commemorate the full life you have lived thus far! These can also be great talking points during the party!

6. Pick up your passion.

With retirement potentially peaking around the corner (hopefully), you may soon find yourself with more time on your hands when turning 50. This is a perfect time to explore a passion that you have not had the time to get into, or find a new one! Check out this blog on other ways to plan for retirement with less anxiety: https://npfba.org/blog/6-major-moves-that-will-transform-your-life-and-reduce-your-anxiety/

7. Spend time with your parents and loved ones.

Make sure to take the time to spend with your parents and loved ones, especially those who are aging. It might be a good idea to spend some time helping your parents or elderly family members get their affairs in order, help them with finances and/or looking into long term care. Check out this blog on how to discuss long term care with family members: https://npfba.org/blog/5-helpful-tips-for-discussing-long-term-care-with-aging-parents/

8. Start mentoring people.

By now, with your many years of knowledge you are ready to mentor someone and help them learn tools and be successful in their life and career. Consider mentoring someone in your same line of business or maybe at a college or school that you attended. This type of mentorship can be invaluable.

9. Treat yourself.

Now is the time to treat yourself to something lavish and extravagant. Maybe something that you have been dreaming of doing or having or possibly something that is of new interest! Turning 50 is a huge milestone and should be celebrated by treating yourself to a great gift!

10. Take your financial advisor to lunch.

All “fun” aside, getting your finances in order is also important to prioritize when getting older. Whether it be setting up a retirement account, looking into or saving for long term care insurance, or simply exploring your options, it’s always good to talk to a financial advisor and map out a plan.

Half of a century is a big milestone to celebrate and also a great time to start thinking about retirement and the future. Make your 50s your best years yet!

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Reach out to NPFBA for a no-BS conversation about long-term care coverage or apply now. It’s the backup you hope you’ll never need, but you’ll be dang glad to have when you do.

Let’s get a plan in place that’s as robust and reliable as you are. Because your commitment to protecting others should be matched by a rock-solid plan to protect yourself.

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