Many people are under the false impression that firefighters cannot have second jobs, and most of the time, this isn’t true. Depending on the employer, whether private or public, municipality or state, second jobs are completely acceptable as long as they don’t interfere with your job as a firefighter. For those who can pick up a second means of income, many opt to, whether out of necessity or because they simply have the kind of schedules that allow for it. So, what types of jobs are especially well-suited for firefighters? Those that require movement, activity, fitness and other abilities that many firefighters already have in their skillset.
If you’re a firefighter and you might be thinking about a second job, whether it’s to pad the retirement savings or just make ends meet, here are a few to consider. Note: some work well with seasonal firefighting, others do not. When thinking about pursuing a second part-time job, consider your entire year-round schedule and how it may vary.

1. CPR trainer:
Why not turn the requirements for one job into a second income stream? Live near a beach or aquatic center? Seasonal lifeguards are in big demand now. Depending on your market, it may be a fairly lucrative side job to offer CPR training to local school districts, non-profits, or other organizations who either require it of their employees or just want to offer it as a free perk.
2. Fitness trainer:
If you’re a person who likes to stay fit, like many firefighters, you might want to think about transferring that fitness into a side business. Fitness trainers can work outside and meet clients in a park, at public nature areas, or in their own backyard. In 2020, many fitness trainers also developed solid business plans based on virtual meet-ups, with platforms like Zoom that have continued to flourish. Depending on your specialty, a search online of certifications and training is the first step.

3. Bartender:
Not all bartenders work until the wee hours of the morning. Just like any restaurant you might dine in, hours of operation vary. Dinner houses, for example, have bars that are essentially open to serve their customers and close when the dining room closes. Especially in smaller to medium-sized cities, most restaurants will be locked up by 10 p.m. If you are a sociable person, like the idea of a four to six-hour shift and making tips, bartending may be a good option.
4. Landscaper/Gardener:
Whether you have the expertise and/or training to call yourself a landscaper or not, yard care is something that offers flexible hours and will likely keep you close to home. Like so many side businesses, you set your own hours: two hour blocks of time means that you might be able to service two to four yards a day, depending on how much you want to work. If you have your own equipment, and a truck, you’re in business!

Let your imagination (and your skills) be your guide: When you really think about it, any side business that allows you to set your own schedule could be a potential second job for a firefighter. Do you love dogs? Find a training program and become a professional dog trainer. Are you super detail oriented and love cars? Talented and meticulous car detailers can offer mobile detailing services in just about any market. In other words, the first step in deciding on a second job might be to ask yourself, what do I have to offer? What skills do I have that people would pay for? Start with a brainstorming session and go from there.