It’s one thing to build a good credit rating, but it’s a different thing to try to fix a credit score quickly once it is in a state of disrepair. The good news is it’s possible. In addition to having discipline with your spending, there are specific ways...
Being a celebrity obviously has its perks, and chief among them is the income that allows for lavish lifestyles. But celebrities are not immune to bad financial decisions. Poor investments, shady investment managers, and just plain ol’ bad advice has led to many...
If you are like most people who like to hit the pillow at night knowing that ends are meeting at the end of the week or month, you probably have a household budget. Maybe it’s a simple pie chart with the usual pieces: food, mortgage/rent, car payment, clothing,...
Money…what is it good for? Absolutely everything! Well, perhaps not everything, but for many things. Money shouldn’t define us, but it does need to pay our bills and feed our children and keep the lights on while we are doing what defines us, whether that is work,...
With the advent of the internet and more recently, social media mania, there’s no shortage of advice out there when it comes to how people should or shouldn’t raise kids or how to just guide them through their younger years. In fact, it’s nearly impossible to scroll...
Next time you are in a group of your peers, preferably those with elementary-age children, try this for a conversation starter: “Do your kids get an allowance?” Chances are you will be on the receiving end of an entire range of opinions, from “No way! It is their job...
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