The Importance of Estate Planning with Long-Term Care in Mind

The Importance of Estate Planning with Long-Term Care in Mind

Most people, by the time they reach their mid-50s, are enjoying an empty nest. Kids are on their own, probably either graduated from college and starting a career, or already in stable jobs or careers and even thinking about a family of their own some day. This is...
6 Tips For Preventing Caregiver Burnout

6 Tips For Preventing Caregiver Burnout

Being a caregiver to an elderly individual (be it a family member or someone unrelated) can be a strenuous and thankless job. Caregiving involves many physical, mental, and emotional aspects and can be equally draining in all of these facets. For these reasons,...
4 Tips To Keep Seniors Independent And Safe

4 Tips To Keep Seniors Independent And Safe

As tempting as it may be to err on the side of caution and over-manage your aging parent’s other loved one’s daily life, a few subtle changes can make a huge difference in their safety as well as your peace of mind as they become a little less sure of their daily...
Diabetes and Long Term Care: 3 Things to Consider

Diabetes and Long Term Care: 3 Things to Consider

More than one-quarter of Americans over the age of 65 live with diabetes, a chronic, progressive disease that can ravage the human body over time if not managed. Among the many medical conditions and complications resulting from diabetes are heart and kidney disease,...
5 Tips To Prevent Fall Injuries

5 Tips To Prevent Fall Injuries

Every year, many elderly individuals fall. This fact is important because once an individual falls once, they double their chances of falling again. Additionally, many who do fall, do not report this to their doctor and therefore may not get the help and support they...
The 5 Major Health Events That Require Long Term Care

The 5 Major Health Events That Require Long Term Care

Prevention is key when it comes to decreasing the need for future long term care for the elderly. However, the truth is that the elderly population are at high risk for many health events that will likely result in the need for long term care. Long term care policies...