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1-877-582-0003, Select #2
255 Scottsville Blvd.
Jackson, CA. 95642 

Open Monday to Thursday 8 AM to 5 PM & Friday 8 AM to 3 PM


NPFBA is a non-profit, mutual benefit trust, jointly established by CLEA and CAPF and operated pursuant to Certificates of Authority issued to CAPF and CLEA by the California Department of Insurance. CLEA and CAPF and their benefits trusts comply with the requirements of the California Insurance Code governing benefit and relief associations for peace officers and firefighters, as well as the applicable requirements of the Internal Revenue Code. All NPFBA funds (over $169 million as of December 31, 2021) are dedicated to its non-profit purposes and the investment of its funds is actively managed by Wells Fargo Advisors.  The investments are conducted under the guidance and ongoing review of the NPFBA Trustees and pursuant to the NPFBA Investment Policy document that sets out NPFBA’s investment objectives and guidelines. The assets of NPFBA are held in stocks and bonds, cash and cash equivalents, and other investments with the goal of providing long-term growth and protection.

Long Term Care – Top 10 Questions

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Will you ever contact me asking for donations?

 No. We will never contact you asking for donations or financial support.  We may contact you to remind you of payments due if you are delinquent on required payments under your long-term care or long term disability plan.  These communications will be from California Public Safety Administrations, Inc., Plan Administrator for NPFBA, CLEA and CAPF and no one else.  If in doubt, please contact the Plan Administrator at 800-832-7333.

Why is long term care coverage so important in my financial plan?

NPFBA Long Term Care coverage is paramount to preserving your pension dollars, assets, and your family’s peace of mind. The need for long term care without owning coverage can literally bankrupt families. Statistically 7 out of 10 people the age of 65 and older will need long term care at some point in their life.

What are the qualifications to receive long term care benefits?

When a person becomes unable to manage their activities of daily living (ADL’s) and needs assistance due to the aging process, a catastrophic injury or catastrophic illness.

How much does long term care cost?

NPFBA’s Long Term Care coverage pricing is based on the issue age and the available payment term selected. Applicants must apply while still in active service as a law or fire member and before the age of 61.

Can my family members apply?

Only spouses or domestic partners may apply. All spouses/domestic partners applications will require a Paramed Exam (no cost to applicant) to assure all medical underwriting is approved.

Why do I need long term care coverage? I have medical insurance and I will receive Medicare when I turn 65.

Medical insurance and Medicare do not pay for long term care costs. Anyone receiving a pension will never qualify for state or federal funding for custodial care.

What’s included in long term care coverage?

NPFBA Long Term Care coverage provides for home health care, residential/assisted living care and 24-hour skilled nursing care when you can no longer manage independently.

What are the Activities of Daily Living?

Dressing, bathing, feeding, toileting, transferring, continence, ambulation, or forms of cognitive impairment (such as dementia, Alzheimer’s and brain trauma).

How do I apply for coverage?

The best way to apply is via the website Simply complete the application online which is then transmitted via secured DocuSign to the office of the Plan Administrator. Or you can request an application package by calling the Plan Administrator’s Office at 877-582-0003.

When I need coverage, what is the process to open a claim?

Contact the office of the Plan Administrator so that a claim can be opened. A Claims Administrator will discuss the features and benefits of the Plan and answer any questions the applicant or family member may have.

Why should I choose the NPFBA Plan over other Long Term Care providers?

NPFBA is a non-profit, jointly sponsored mutual trust between California Law Enforcement Association and California Association of Professional Firefighters who provides LTC coverage to active law enforcement and fire personnel in the State of California. In addition, spouses, non-safety, non-sworn, and civilian employees of agencies and departments may apply. The NPFBA Plan provides the richest benefits at the most cost-effective prices.

Do I need to hire someone, or can my family take care of me?

The Plan requires that a licensed care provider cares for your needs. Family members will not be eligible for reimbursement of care costs while providing care.

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