5 Ways to Pay Off Your Mortgage Early (and Why You Should)

5 Ways to Pay Off Your Mortgage Early (and Why You Should)

If you are a recent first-time homeowner and, as such, a first-time mortgage owner, you’re probably basking in the glow of finally having your act together enough to have accomplished home ownership. Congratulations! It required discipline and everyone knows it,...
3 Easy Pieces: Getting Your Investments On at 30

3 Easy Pieces: Getting Your Investments On at 30

If you’re 30-ish years old and just starting to think about investing, give yourself a pat on the back. Thirty years old gives you plenty of time to save for retirement. Along with nailing down an affordable, long-term care plan that will protect your wages if...
6-for-the-price-of-1: Understanding the Basics of Medicare

6-for-the-price-of-1: Understanding the Basics of Medicare

Have you noticed the literal bombardment of medicare commercials that pop up on the television toward the end of each year? If you’re over 50, you’re probably taking notice, and that’s because you know that you’re closer to retirement than you are to the beginning of...
Are You Saving Enough For This Critical Part Of Retirement?

Are You Saving Enough For This Critical Part Of Retirement?

Saving for retirement can sometimes feel like building the plane as you’re flying it: How do you know how much is “enough” to put away for retirement each month if you don’t know exactly what you plan to do during your retirement years? Will you travel? Will your...
NPFBA Long Term Care Coverage: 11 Most-Asked Questions

NPFBA Long Term Care Coverage: 11 Most-Asked Questions

Why are so many people talking about long-term care and their financial plan? The reason is pretty straightforward: People are healthier than they were a few generations ago, which means they are living longer. Fewer people are dying of diseases than in the past due...